Shabir Madhi is Professor of Vaccinology at the University of the Witwatersrand; co-founder and co-Director of the African Leadership in Vaccinology Expertise. He qualified at Wits as a paediatrician in 1996 and obtained his PhD in 2003. He holds the positions of Director of the SAMRC Respiratory and Meningeal Pathogens Research Unit and Research Chair in Vaccine Preventable Diseases of Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation. He served as the Director of the NICD (2011-2017), and is Chair of the National Advisory Group on Immunization in South Africa. He has authored over 360 scientific publications on epidemiology, clinical development of pneumococcal vaccines, diarrheal disease and maternal immunization. These studies have aided the WHO and SAGE policy on vaccination in low-middle income countries. He has served as a temporary–consultant/technical advisor to World Health Organization in the field of pneumonia and vaccines. Professor Madhi is an elected member of the Academy of Science of South Africa, Royal Society of South Africa, and a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences.